Hace unos dias nos enteramos que el musico californiano David Wang (o sea MOCHIPET) lanzo un concurso para que todo el que guste remixe los temas de su ultimo disco (Microphonepet). Por supuesto apenas supimos eso bajamos todos los acapellas, elegimos uno y le metimos un chorro de nuestro sabor fiestero. Asi que aqui quedo el resultado:
Mochipet - Banana Split (Frikstailers Remix)
Y si quieren bajar los acapellas y hacer sus propios remixes aqui esta el blog del concurso:
We´ve recently noticed that there´s a remix contest made by California artist David Wang (a.k.a. Mochipet). Of course we downloaded all the acapellas and made one version of our own (which is already in the official remix blog) and we put some of our party flavour in it. So this is it:
Mochipet - Banana Split (Frikstailers Remix)
And if you want to download the acapellas and made your own remixes, here´s the link for the official Mochipet remix blog: